FOOD FACT ! Not Always Dangerous, Reveal Scientific Facts About Spicy Food.
Spicy has the understanding as a type of sharpness and pain that is specific to the sense of taste. A quote from CNN, states that spicy food is not classified as a taste category, you know. So spicy is different from sweet, sour, bitter, or salty.
Then, do you know another FACT about spicy food? Come on, let’s see together
1. Spicy food cannot be tasted on the tongue
Spicy is not a taste that can be felt by the tongue. Spicy is a sensation of a chemical compound called Capsaicin contained in plants. If sweet, sour, bitter and salty tastes have their own receptors on the tongue nerves to taste them, the spicy sensation is received by special heat sensory nerve receptors.
2. Spicy food produced by chili is beneficial for the immune system
Spicy food from the compound capsaicin turns out to have immune benefits for the health of the body. This compound is said to be able to create immunity for the body because it contains lots of vitamin A and vitamin C. Both of these vitamins have antioxidant substances that function to prevent various diseases and maintain a healthy body.
3. Capsaicin from hot chili peppers can inhibit the growth of cancer cells if consumed regularly
As quoted from CNN, the antioxidant substances contained in capsaicin can also kill carcinogens that cause cancer. Research conducted on a mouse, it turns out that capsaicin can kill tumors and prolong life by 30 percent
4. Eating spicy food is beneficial for blood circulation
Chili which contains Capsaicin compounds has long been believed to function to facilitate blood circulation. You must have felt eating spicy food to sweat like people who exercise. This heat sensation in the body serves to facilitate blood circulation in the body.
5. Eating spicy food can improve mood and improve sleep
Spicy food can increase the hormones endorphins and serotonin which function to relieve feelings of anxiety. This hormone also has a role to eliminate feelings of depression and stress. So that makes the mood for the better after we consume spicy food.
However, spicy food should not be consumed in excess…. In essence, anything if consumed in excess will definitely have a bad impact. So, be wise in consuming something.
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Magfood is a sow seasoning producer that sells high quality sprinkles, affordable prices and guaranteed halal. Magfood sprinkles provide seasonings with a maximum spicy taste that can give a spicy sensation to your dishes and business products. Magfood seasoning has become the main choice for business actors who need seasonings for their business, accepting orders for making flavors, colors, textures according to your wishes.
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