Currently, it takes many entrepreneurs in Indonesia who apply good standardization of food business since the beginning of their business, so that they have a strong foundation and are ready to grow big step by step with directed continuous development. Thus the road to success is wide open and it is easier to go through it. Magfood really appreciates innovation and technological development that makes people more efficient in facing the challenges of the times. One of the tangible manifestations is by making Home Industry Training or home industry courses that can be started with affordable capital and can be done yourself at home.
Magfood really appreciates innovation and technological development that makes people more efficient in facing the challenges of the times. One of the tangible manifestations is by making Home Industry Training or home industry courses that can be started with affordable capital and can be done yourself at home. The purpose of Magfood Home Industry Training held by the Center for Product Development & The effort of PT Magfood Innovation Pangan is so that business players can start building and preparing a strong business “foundation” so that they are ready to become big. By understanding the business concept and joining the Magfood Home Industry community, it is hoped that there will be more strong and highly competitive business actors who support the growth of the real sector in Indonesia.
Home industry training or Magfood Home Industry Business Package includes:
1. Workshop, which contains knowledge about products, basic knowledge, product raw materials, tools and manufacturing methods, marketing strategies and future business development, equipped with manufacturing practices
2. Equipment needed to start a business and production
3. Raw materials & supporting (special premix, seasoning / food seasoning, packaging, etc.)
4. Business development consultation and tips on starting a business so that it becomes a promising business
Meatballs are one of the favorite foods that are liked by all Indonesian people from all walks of life. So that the meatball market share is never empty of fans. The creations of meatballs are very diverse, starting from the raw materials used (eg beef, chicken, fish, etc.) can also be creative with shapes (round meatballs, square meatballs, love-shaped meatballs, etc.), various combinations of ingredients (tofu meatballs, dumplings, etc.) and so on according to the target market and the product concept being built.
Nugget merupakan salah satu makanan frozen food yang disukai oleh seluruh kalangan. Hal ini dikarenakan, nugget merupakan makanan yang mudah disaji dengan cara menggoreng nugget frozennya. Dengan gaya hidup sekarang yang ingin serba praktis, maka nugget salah satu produk frozen food yang mulai berkembang dan disukai semua kalangan, terutama anak-anak. Kreasi nugget sangat beragam mulai dari bahan baku yang dipakai (misal daging ayam, udang, ikan, tempe dll) juga bisa berkreasi dengan bentuk (stick, love, persegi, dll), aneka kombinasi bahan (dengan wortel, bayam, tahu, dll) dan sebagainya sesuai target market dan konsep produk yang dibangun dan bisa ditambahkan aneka bumbu tabur
Es krem merupakan salah satu makanan frozen food yang disukai oleh mulai dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa. Es krem dapat dibentuk dan disajikan dengan cara yang berbeda-beda mulai dari es cone, es cup, es stick dan es potong. Saat ini yang sedang trend adalah model es potong, yang lebih dikenal dengan es potong Singapore. Es potong jenis ini banyak dijual di pusat-pusat perbelanjaan dengan model booth.
Magfood memberikan kemudahan dalam penyediaan Premix pembuatan produk yang sangat praktis dalam pembuatan produk home industry, yang dapat dicampurkan langsung dengan berbagai jenis produk yang akan dibuat, dengan berbagai variasi implementasi dan komposisi yang membuat para pelaku usaha lebih mudah dalam menjaga standarisasi produksi dan konsistensi kualitas produk dan rasa.
Untuk informasi mengenai Pelatihan home industri / kursus home industri atau pelatihan industri / usaha rumah tangga / usaha home indstri yang diadakan oleh Magfood, Segera hubungi kami di Telp. 79193162, 79195134 atau HP/WA 08118407161 email:
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