Quality Control at PT. Magfood Food Innovation
Magfood Seasoning Products are quality products, because they have passed the Quality Control (QC) stage which is carried out by Organoleptic / Sensory.
Do you know what it is Qquality Ccontrol (QC)?
Quality Control (QC) or quality control is a series of activities that are integrated effectively to preserve, develop, and improve the quality of a company’s products or services that are produced as economically as possible and can satisfy consumers (National Productivity Council, 1985 in Bima, 2005).
In short, Qquality Ccontrol is a checking process carried out by a company to ensure product quality is in accordance with standards. which have been set. Quality controll must be carried out from the beginning of the production process to the distribution channel because the treatment of raw materials at the beginning of the production process will affect the quality of the final product to be produced.
Magfood products have gone through the Qquality Ccontrol process. The Qquality Ccontrol consists of three stages, namely: Q< em>quality Ccontrol raw material, Qquality C control production, and Qquality Ccontrol finished product / final product.
For Qquality Ccontrol raw materials, complete with COA documents and halal certification . COA is an acronym for Certificate of Analysis, a document that proves and explains that certain checks have been carried out on the product by the manufacturer. Meanwhile, halal certification is an acknowledgment of the halalness of a product issued by BPJPH based on a written fatwa issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (Agus, 2017).
Meanwhile, Qquality Ccontrol in the final product, namely Qquality < /em>Ccontrol or product quality check on final product/finished product, Qquality C control carried out on Magfood products is an organoleptic test.
What is an organoleptic test? Organoleptic test is a test method using human senses as the main tool for measuring product acceptance. Organoleptic testing can provide an indication of damage, deterioration and other damage to the product. Organoleptic testing can provide an indication of damage, deterioration of quality, and other damage to the product (Wahyuningtias, 2010).
So, it can be concluded that Qquality Ccontrol or Quality control is a tool for management to improve quality, maintain quality existing products and avoid damage to the product, so as to maintain or increase the trust of consumers.
The products marketed by Magfood are quality and quality products, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of our products. We have various kinds of seasoning products for your business, such as Balado Flavor Sow Seasoning, Barbeque, Grilled Corn, Cheese, Chocolate, and Extra Spicy. We also have a variety of premixes such as meatball premix and nuggets premix, various powder drinks such as original choco and mango milkshakes. Complete Isn’t it? Not only that, Magfood also has Non MSG products,
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Complete your business needs with Magfood products and other material needs, by telephone or WA at 08111397161
PT. Magfood Food Innovation
Jl. Duren Tiga Raya No.46 South Jakarta
Tel : +6221 79193162, Fax : +6221 79195364
Agus, P. A. (2017). Kthe position of Halal Certification in the National Legal System as an Effort for Consumer Protection in Islamic Law. Amwaluna: Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance, 1(1)
Bima. (2005). Chapter II Application Library Overview. Hilos Tensados, 1, 1–476.
Wahyuningtias, D. (2010). Organoleptic Test of Cake Results Using Non-Instant and Instant Ingredients. Binus Business Review, 1(1), 116.
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