Do you know about SMART GOAL?
You’re right! SMART GOAL consists of 2 words, SMART and GOAL.
Every word that comes from SMART has its own meaning that cannot be separated from one another. SMART consists of S as Specific, M as Measureable, A as Achievable, R as Relevant, and T as Timed or Time-Bound. While GOAL has a target definition / goal. So, SMART GOAL is a guideline that can be used to determine targets.
Working in any position, it is very important to determine the work targets you want to achieve so that your career can be successful. Well, SMART is usually used to identify targets to be achieved and provide implementation instructions to achieve these targets.
Starting with the word Specific, work targets should be specific and clear. Then, it is continued with the word Measureable, which means that after the work target is made specific and clear, the next step is that the work target can be measured. It is very important to have measurable work targets because they can motivate yourself to keep growing and focus on meeting the targets that have been made.
The next word is Achievable which means it is a work target that is made to be achieved by oneself. The targets made must be in accordance with the development of our abilities so that they are more easily achieved and immediately become successful individuals. Then, Relevant, what is needed at this stage is to ensure that the work targets that have been made have important meanings and can be adapted to other targets. Finally, Timed or Time-Bound, make sure to set a time limit for each work target that has been created so that you can focus on other targets.
When you have used SMART GOAL in making your work targets, the achievement of work targets will be more specific and of course more helpful for you in achieving these targets.
The purpose of using SMART GOAL is also expected to be achieved in every target of PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International. All Partners of PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International has been implementing SMART GOAL for a long time. It is also strongly supported by Top Management. Every year, Top Management will give awards to Partners who excel and are able to achieve the given targets. This year, the award ceremony will be held on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, which coincides with the 20th anniversary of PT. Magfood Innovation Food in the large meeting room of the head office located on Jalan Duren Tiga Raya no. 46 South Jakarta.
The seat placement design was made with a distance of 1 meter because we are currently in a pandemic period, and cannot linger in the room, as a result, the award ceremony was held for approximately 45 minutes. The event started with remarks from the CEO & FOUNDER PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International, Ms. Yanti Melianty. Mrs. Yanti Melianty also gave a work briefing for 2021, where we must remain optimistic even though we are in a pandemic period. In addition, Mrs. Yanti also explained 3 keys to growth, namely: (1) Routine work that must be accurate and timely, (2) Improvement programs, and (3) New programs every year. Then, it was followed by remarks from the Operations Manager, Mr. Okke, who also explained about the code of conduct that must be followed by PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International so that the Vision and Mission of PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International can be achieved even during the current pandemic.
Next, is the peak event that becomes a puzzle for PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International this year. There are 3 categories of SMART GOAL awards in 2021, namely: Innovation & Creativity, Courage and Accountability. Each category has 3 elements that can explain the category.
The first category is Innovation & Creativity, consisting of the following elements: (1) Continuously improving for the company’s development, (2) Positively seeking solutions to problems, and (3) Always having new ideas. The second category is Courage (Courage), consisting of the following elements: (1) having a big heart, daring to admit mistakes, and improving oneself, (2) Dare to say and do the right thing, and (3) Have determination. The last category, Accountability (Reliable), consists of the following elements: (1) Great spirit, when you make a mistake, you immediately correct yourself, (2) Discipline in facts & data, and (3) Responsible for the assigned task.
The SMART GOAL Award 2021 which is given is expected to be a motivation for all PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International, especially at this time, during the pandemic. In addition, it is hoped that with the 2021 SMART GOAL Award, all PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy Internasional can synergize towards a common dream as stated in the Vision and Mission of PT. Magfood Food Innovation & PT. Magfood Amazy International.
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